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THE SITE FORUM - If you have any questions or information to ask or share with others on either the subjects of the region's mining history or its related postcard, token or medal issues please feel free to post an entry on our Discussion Form page. Click the icon below to enter "The Forum".
MYSTERY ITEMS SECTION - This section of the site has been set-up to help fellow collectors and researchers of Southern African mining related postcards, tokens or medals to identify any of their mystery items. To submit or respond to a query contact click the icon below.
Please remember to send a full description plus a picture(s) of your items when submitting your query.
Can you help in identify any of the locations shown in the following cards or provide any additional information about them?
"Thumbnail" Images (Note 1) | Card Title or Description | Replies |
Diamond | 0 |
1) For further information and enlarged views of each postcard click on any one of the above images.