Page Back Ground History
Mining Regions
The Postcards
Tokens & Medals
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The Site
"On The Rand"
A Web Site Devoted To The History Of Early South African Mining Related Postcards, Tokens & Medals.
This site presents a pictorial history of early twentieth century mining in South and South West Africa as illustrated through the medium of contemporary picture postcards, tokens and medals. The latter being subjects which hold particular interest to the site's Webmaster. In addition the site aims to provide a basic source of background history primarily to the development of diamond, gold and coal mining in specific areas of Southern Africa. The site contains a constantly growing on-line reference of contemporary mining related postcards, tokens and selected medals. These listings are not intended to represent either a complete or a definitive catalogue.
The title for the web site "On the Rand" is taken from one of the most famous and extensive series of Edwardian postcards from South Africa. This colour printed series of cards illustrates both the mines and mining life in one of the world's most famous gold producing regions - the Witwatersrand which is centred around Johannesburg in the Transvaal.
The development of this site is being approached as a long term project. Hence it will be under construction for a considerable time. For news on the progress of its construction be sure to check the "Site Updates" section on a regular basis.
Site Contents
Back Ground History -
This section of the site presents a broad overview to the
history relating to some of the regions key mining activities and mineral
discoveries. In addition it provides an introduction to some of the main personalities that helped shape
the region's mining development.
Regions & Mine Location Maps -
This is a useful starting point on the site from which to explore
the regions principle mining locations and from where to view their
related postcard, token and medal issues. This section outlines the
region's main mining areas and details
the minerals worked in each. Additional historical details are given concerning the developments of each location. A list of mines
and location maps are presented by region which act a spring board from which
to view and explore the postcards and tokens related to them.
Related Postcards - This
section of the site presents some basic introductory information on the subject
of early picture postcards from Southern Africa. It also offers a means by which
the site's on-line collection of mining related postcards can be quickly
accessed together with information on their respective issuing locations and
subject matter.
Mining Related
Paranumismatics & Medals
- This
section of the site contains an introduction to the
various types of mining related tokens and medals of Southern Africa. It also
offers a means by which images plus more specific information regarding
individual such token and medal issues can be quickly accessed.
- For further background history
related to the region's mining industry plus related topics view our
recommended web page links.
Bibliography - This
section of the site contains a list of reference works and source material on
the subject of Southern African mining related postcard and token issues plus
back ground histories.
Update News - Given the
long term development of this site we aim to add to its contents on a regular basis. For a list of new content additions check this section of
the site at regular intervals.
Acknowledgements -
This site benefits from the help and information supplied by many different
contributors who are gratefully acknowledged by the webmaster is this section of
the site.
Interactive Site Content
Site Discussion Forum - If
you have any questions or information to ask or share with others on either the
subjects of the region's mining history or its related postcard and token issues
please feel free to post an entry in our Discussion Form pages. This section of
the site may also be used to view and submit mystery mining related tokens or
postcards requiring further identification.
Guest Book - Please leave us your feed back and
comments on our site.
Advertisments -As
keen collectors and researcher of Southern African mining related postcards and
tokens we have included a special section on this site where anyone with similar
interests may publicise their "wants" or any relevant items they
may have "for sale or exchange".
Since 4th March 2006 you are visitor number:
Unless state otherwise all material and images are © Mark Smith 2006.
Contact The Site Webmaster