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The following links may be of interest to the visitors to this web site. Those links marked with a star (are those which are particularly recommended by the Webmaster. The links below have been subdivided into the following categories to suit individual interests;
- The Witwatersrand
- Barberton District
- Pilgrims Rest District
- Kimberly & Vaal River Diggings
- Tsumeb
- The Sperrgebiet
General Mining History - Inclusive of details of notable Mining Magnets & Rand Lords.
Gold & Workers 1886-1924 - An excellent site covering all aspects of the development of mining and labour control on the Rand between the discovery of the first major gold finds in 1886 through to 1924.
Cecil John Rhodes (1853 - 1902) - Founder of De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., South African statesman, strong proponent of British imperialism, and businessman after whom Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) was named.
Ernest Oppenheimer (1880-1957) - Diamond, gold mining and financial entrepreneur, and founder of the Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa.
Mining Location Histories - By individual locations. Both South and South West Africa
Gold & Workers 1886-1924 - An excellent site covering all aspects of the development of mining and labour control on the Rand between the discovery of the first major gold finds in 1886 through to 1924.
Pilgrim's Rest - A very informative site covering all aspects of the development and history of gold mining in and around Pilgrim's Rest.
Barberton - An very good series of web pages covering the establishment and development of gold mining in and around Barberton.
Barberton Mines & Mining History - An very good series of web pages covering the the early mining history of around Barberton containing many good early photographs of the area.
The Premier Diamond Mine & discovery of the Cullinan Diamond - A summary of the early history of the Premier Diamond Mine and the discovery of the Cullinan Diamond.
The Cullinan Diamond - Some facts and figures relating to the world famous Cullinan Diamond. & its discovery.
Strachan & Co. plus other South African Tokens
Postcard Pages - A very informative UK base site covering many aspects of postcard research and collecting.
The Postcard Catalogue of Southern Africa - Martin Nicholson's excellent series of postcard check lists (by printer/issuer) covering South Africa only. These preliminary lists may be viewed as web page down loads. More up to date lists are available in bound hard copy format directly from the author for a fee.