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The Site
Location: South-western Transvaal (View location on map)
Minerals Worked: Diamonds (alluvial)
Principal Mines: Various diggings in and around Bloemhof
Background History:
This town on the Vaal River was laid out on the farm Klipfontein in 1864. The farm together with the beginnings of the village was sold to John Barclay who it seems was so impressed by his daughter’s flower garden that he changed the name of the town from Klipfontein to Bloemhof. Diamond fever gave the growth of the town a quick boost and digging rights on unoccupied residential stands were authorised in 1891. Today the Bloemhof diggings are all but abandoned.
The Postcards
Postcard issues relating to this area include the following;
"Thumbnail" Images (Note 1) | Card Title or Description | Card Ref. No. |
Diamond Diggings - | PC102 |
1) For further information and enlarged views of each postcard click on any one of the above images.